UpTrader launches a new investment service

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Today, April 12th, marks the completion of the final testing stage of our new product—the White Label Social Trading Platform - UpTrader Invest—and now it’s available to customers. Integration of the platform into a brokerage business takes just one day. Currently, the service only works with MT4 MAM, but the MT5 MAM version is planned next.
UpTrader Invest is a plug-in for MT4 based on the technologies of PAMM, MAM, and social trading. It allows investors of any level of expertise to immediately start investing and generating profits from Forex trading. The hallmark of the new platform is its userfriendly interface for all three parties: brokers, investment account managers, and investors. Flexible settings allow selecting between profit distribution systems and managing risks.
Vasily Alexeev, UpTrader CEO
“We often receive requests for PAMM, sometimes LAMM and MAM. When we try to understand why they want one particular product or another, we realize that the most don’t see any difference between them. For example, PAMM is much more widely known than the others, so it gets requested more often, despite it being mostly the same as MAM. Essentially, these three are the same platform under different brands, they’re based on a very similar principle of operation. We’ve long understood: when a client asks for an investment service, they just want a simple and reliable instrument for their clients, and the terminology isn’t important. What’s important, though, is that the service must be easy and comfortable to use. That’s why we have combined the most popular settings of PAMM, MAM, and social trading software, designed a simple interface, and paid special attention to stability: the dangers of lost connection or inaccurate copying of trades are eliminated. Our investment service is already integrated into UpTrader Forex CRM. This means that by buying our ForexCRM, a broker immediately receives a great instrument that can start bringing profits as early as the next day.”
Key features of UpTrader Invest:
—There are no restrictions for brokers concerning the way they want to generate profits using this service. Any scheme already used by the broker will suit: spreads, fees. The service works with any variations of A-book and B-book brokers. In addition, A-book brokers will be able to hedge their risk more effectively when working in MAM MT4 or PAMM mode.
—No restrictions for partnership programs. If a partner brings new clients with investment accounts, the partner reward will be paid out automatically.
—There are three reward schemes for the manager available in the settings: payment per the manager’s trading volume, percentage of profits generated in a certain time period set by the manager, high watermark—payment only for the difference in balance (only when the value is positive).
—When choosing a manager in the client interface, investors see their history of profit, preferred trading instruments, reward scheme, and, of course, options of backing out from the strategy, there are three of them: immediate exit, exit after the manager’s approval, exit with rollovers. All further information is available to investors in real time in their client interface, in MetaTrader 4 mobile app, or in the web/desktop terminal
Get more detailed information on the service and request a trial: [email protected]
Yours truly,
UpTrader team