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UpTrader Continues Global Expansion with Launch of Japanese Language Website

UpTrader Continues Global Expansion with Launch of Japanese Language Website

As part of its ongoing efforts to cater to diverse markets around the world, UpTrader, the leading financial technology company, has launched a Japanese language version of its website.
Entering the Japanese market represents a significant milestone in UpTrader's global expansion strategy.

"With the launch of our Japanese website, we aim to create a more convenient and user-friendly experience for our Japanese clients. As we continue to expand globally, localizing our services is essential to ensure we meet the needs of our customers in their own language," said the CMO of UpTrader Elena Berestovaya.

The company is excited to continue its expansion and to welcome new Japanese brokers to its Forex CRM Platform. As always, UpTrader remains committed to delivering the best possible experience for all its users, irrespective of their geographic location.

Stay tuned for more updates as UpTrader continues to expand its global reach!


Assign Different Transactions to Different Managers with UpTrader's Latest Update

Assign Different Transactions to Different Managers with UpTrader's Latest Update

UpTrader, a leading fintech firm, has launched a new update for its Back office UpTrader CRM that enables users to assign different transactions to different managers. Previously, all transactions were linked by default to the client's manager, but this could be manually adjusted. The main goal of this update is to maximize automation, increase transparency, and make the process more user-friendly for employees.

This feature becomes significantly beneficial when considering the calculation of managers' bonuses. While typically Manager A works with the client, there might be scenarios where the client attends an exhibition or a special event, and interacts with Manager B, who convinces them to make a deposit. In such cases, while the client remains assigned to Manager A, the credit for this specific deposit is attributed to Manager B. This ensures that the efforts of each manager are individually recognized and accurately reflected in their bonus calculations, fostering a more equitable work environment.

In some situations, it may be necessary to involve staff from other departments like financial department, security department or support for certain types of transactions. The CRM currently supports several types of transactions, including:

  • Deposit: When a user deposits funds into their account, it can be recorded as a Deposit transaction.
  • Withdrawal: When a user withdraws funds from their account, it can be recorded as a Withdraw transaction.
  • Deposit compensation: When a user requests a refund, it can be recorded as a Refund transaction.
  • Internal transfer: When a user transfers funds between accounts, it can be recorded as an Internal transfer transaction.

To reassign transactions to other staff members, go to the Backoffice Interface and select Deposits / Withdrawals / Internal transfers (depending on the type of transaction). Click on the transaction and choose the respective employee.

This feature simplifies the management of transactions and makes it easier to quickly identify the staff member responsible for a particular transaction. With this latest update, UpTrader continues to demonstrate its commitment to improving the user experience and streamlining processes for its clients.

Your UpTrader Team

Increase transparency in your Sales Department

Increase transparency in your Sales Department

Soon, all our clients - forex brokers - will receive an exceptional tool for their sales department management: the Sales Interface within their UpTrader Forex CRM.

The sales department is the heart of your business operations. The speed at which they process requests, the flexibility of tools they use to call and retrieve client history, their ability to flag clients and plan deposits, all contribute to your success. But beyond this, you need to control and manage the process, have transparent analytics, and possess tools to encourage your sales team. Our new Sales Interface within the UpTrader Forex CRM allows you to enjoy all these benefits. Here are some, but not all, of the features you can use.

  • Client Distribution Settings

You can assign clients from different countries and with varying deposit amounts to specific managers or partners, thus enabling personalized service for important clients.

  • Manager Access Settings

Determine if your managers are authorized to provide personal bonuses to clients, approve withdrawals, access partners' reports, and more. You have full control.

  • Sales Department Analysis

Employ charts and dashboards to evaluate the performance of your sales department.

  • Planned Deposits

This tool allows management to gain clear insight and subsequently assess whether business objectives have been met by month's end.

  • Sales Percentages

Inspire your sales team by devising individual incentive programs.

  • Logging

We archive all client history, such as deposit/trade history, communications with the support team, old personal data like phone numbers, emails, addresses, documents, etc.


To request a demo, please contact us at

Your UpTrader Team

Exciting Features for Your Sales Department in UpTrader CRM

Exciting Features for Your Sales Department in UpTrader CRM

As we previously mentioned, our Sales Module is nearing completion and will soon be available in UpTrader Forex CRM. While we all eagerly await the major announcement about the Sales Interface release, we would like to give you a glimpse into what your sales department will be able to accomplish in their new workspace.

Here's a brief, yet far from exhaustive, list of features that will be available to your sales team:

- Quick Calls:

Sales representatives can directly make calls from the client list, eliminating the need to open a separate window for each client, thus streamlining the workflow.

- Lead Quality Evaluation:

Sales representatives can flag promising leads and identify bogus registrations, helping save time and avoid wasting efforts on non-viable contacts in the future.

- Previous Conversation Archiving:

The system archives past conversations, providing valuable insights for effective client communication and expectation management.

- Task Postponing:

Our interface allows managers to postpone tasks if they cannot complete them immediately, or they can schedule future calls with clients.

- Deposit Attempts:

When a client attempts a deposit, the system generates a task for the manager to ensure prompt follow-up.

- Access to Marketing Metrics:

Managers can access key marketing metrics like UTM, special offers, and registration page details in the client profile, which are crucial for understanding client motivations and identifying sales opportunities.

- Planned Deposits:

This feature aids sales representatives in meeting their targets and provides management with an overview of their team's projections.

- Manually Allocated Bonuses:

To expedite a sale, managers have the flexibility to offer individual bonuses to specific clients.


To request a demo, please contact us at [email protected].

Your UpTrader Team

Sales Interface Development: Now Entering Testing Stage

Sales Interface Development: Now Entering Testing Stage

We're glad to announce that our work on developing the Sales Interface for the sales department has been completed and the module is now in the testing stage.

Sales Interface is the sixth and final module of the UpTrader Client Relation Management (Forex CRM), which has been developed specifically for brokers. Admin, Back Office, Client, Partner, and Copy Trading Platform Modules are already operational. Hence, the most anticipated and significant module is now ready.

We are excited about this latest development and trust that you will be too. The Sales Interface promises to revolutionize your sales team's processes, making them more efficient, focused, and result-oriented.

Keep an eye on our updates, you wouldn't want to miss out on any important announcements regarding this breakthrough tool. Remember, you can book a demo now to get an exclusive sneak peek at what the Sales Interface offers. Reach out to us at [email protected] to reserve your spot.

Thank you for your continued trust in UpTrader. We're committed to providing tools and services that help you excel in your business, and we're confident the Sales Interface will be another key component in achieving this goal.

Stay tuned!

Your UpTrader Team

UpTrader Has Dropped a Fresh Website Design

UpTrader Has Dropped a Fresh Website Design

We are thrilled to announce an update to our website. The new, more dynamic and fresh design can already be seen on our homepage and will soon be extended to all sections of our website.

"The former design completely met our needs and was convenient for our customers, but our company continues to grow and evolve. Since the last update, we have introduced many new services and have made numerous improvements", shared UpTrader's CMO, Elena Berestovaya.

In anticipation of the launch of the long-awaited Sales Interface Module, we believe it's time for a refresh of our company's visual image. Our aim is to reflect the dynamism and innovative approach that characterizes our work in the new design. We believe that the revamped design of the website will reflect the active development of UpTrader and will be beneficial to our customers.

Stay tuned for updates as we will definitely share details about the launch of the Sales Interface module. We are confident that this will be a significant step in the further development of our company and the services we offer to our customers.


Your Uptrader Team

