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Proprietary trading firm vs retail trading

Proprietary trading firm vs retail trading

We regularly get requests from prop firms for CRM integration. Let's discuss the difference between a Proprietary Trading Firm and Retail Trading.


What exactly is a proprietary trading firm also known as a "prop shop"?

Proprietary trading happens when a prop firm hires a prop trader to trade company funds. That is, a prop firm is a type of financial company that hires a trader who will capitalize on the company's money acting on its behalf. Such companies became widely known after the financial crisis of 2008 when their speculations with huge sums on the market of such derivatives as CDOs (collateralized debt obligations), credit default swaps and other synthetic instruments had quite a serious effect on the mortgage market which eventually collapsed and led several major banks to bankruptcy. Back then, almost any competent trader could become a proprietary trader and get access to big money management.


Key differences

The key difference between retail trading and proprietary trading is that a retail trader trades with their own funds, while a prop trader trades with the funds of a company which specifically hired such a person to capitalize on the firm's assets and make even more money. In this case, the prop trader takes up to 70% of the profits for their speculations, while the company itself gets 30%, even though it provides the money and takes the risk. 

Prop traders working for prop firms are usually subcontractors, as opposed to traditional brokers hired by the company. Funding in such companies is shared among all the prop traders who trade with the firm.


Who to trade with: retail or prop firms?

When trading with a retail broker, the trader transfers their own funds to a trading account. The broker in this case provides leverage, thus increasing the trader’s turnover, a platform, and access to the trading instruments, normally charging commission for it. The trader is still limited by their own capital, but on the plus side, they don’t have to follow trading rules set by the firm, since they own the funds they trade with. 

As for prop trading, it has wide prospects of managing huge amounts of company's capital and thus receiving potential profit, but the trader must observe strict rules. 


Getting into trading

Here, everything is simple: retail trading is open to all. The broker sets the minimum deposit amount, the trader deposits the account and starts trading. A prop trader, unless they have a reputation, needs to prove their abilities. To do that, the trader is given a trading account, usually with demo funds, where they trade for a certain period of time. At the end of this period, the result is evaluated and a decision to provide real capital for management is made. 

Brokerage and prop firms often earn their money by training newcomers. There is nothing inherently bad in it if the company does not try and trick you by promising a fortune for depositing your account, but simply provides a training service for a fixed fee.



Prop trading market is full of scams, as well as the retail trading market. So before you decide to fund your account, you should weigh the pros and cons and research the company’s background online. Do not fall for marketing campaigns that require you to make rash decisions. For companies, it is a way to get fast money from new clients, for a trader, it entails a high probability of rapid capital loss. The rule “If you think that the offer is too good to be true, perhaps it is not worth to risk your money” always works.


Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

Dear partners and colleagues, 
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023!

The holidays are the perfect time to tell you how much we appreciate you as our very important client. We keep working hard to help your business thrive. We wish that all your plans and goals come true in the next year. We hope the whole year will be productive and bring impressive results.

Wishing you and your family peace, love, and joy at Christmas and always.

Happy Holidays from everyone at UpTrader!

Looking back on 2022 and making plans

Looking back on 2022 and making plans

Wishing you a Happy New Year and following the tradition, we are now looking back on the work the UpTrader team did in 2022 and making plans for the future. The year itself was turbulent and brought even more uncertainty into the world than the pandemic. Financial markets continue to react to events in spurts and financial institutions, brokers, and traders continue to make and lose money on these reactions. Meanwhile, the UpTrader team has been working hard to implement new and improve existing Forex CRM features all year long to provide brokerage firms with the best customer service system possible!

The motto for 2022 has been "less is better". 

The team focused on improving the existing features and the stability of our flagship product, UpTrader Forex CRM. Here is a list of features we would like to highlight:



The copytrading service in UpTrader Invest was partly reworked, and its stability has significantly improved. We also implemented all the features that were included in the product architecture. It should be mentioned that copy trading is very popular with newcomers on financial markets because it allows you to get good trading results by copying from experienced traders.


Customer service 

Improving customer support is one of our top priorities. We have already done a lot of work to improve the interaction between our technical support and clients by launching a unified support portal. We have improved on communication channels, time to response, and ticket processing speed, and made the processes as transparent and predictable as possible. The feedback from clients is extremely positive, but we would still like to work on certain aspects until they are perfect. Working on them is part of our plans for next year.


Integration with cTrader

The second most popular trading platform after MetaTrader, cTrader, is now integrated with UpTrader CRM. We are very happy to see that more and more brokers are choosing to work with cTrader. First, variety is good. Second, cTrader's policy is to keep order execution transparency under control. They keep execution records and allow traders to view them. It is impossible to manipulate prices because they do not allow editing the databases. We think that the desire for transparency is a positive market trend.

In addition, the UpTrader team has done a lot of preparations for the launch of big and even sensational services next year. Here is a brief announcement of the expected releases.


Free UpTrader Forex CRM Installation 

The idea behind this service is based on the best current practices and an obvious market need. At the moment, there is no other CRM for Forex brokers on the market that integrates the CRM with your website without a team of developers setting it up. We decided to tackle this problem. Next year, UpTrader clients will be able to install Forex CRM themselves for free in just a few steps. Thanks to this service, brokers who already have a website and MetaTrader will be able to instantly launch the CRM. The brokers could test core CRM features without any fee as well as accept and serve new clients right away.


Sales module

The development of the sales module is almost completed. Next year, we will be able to offer brokers a multi-functional module tailored to the specific needs of the Forex broker's sales department. It will have a very convenient lead distribution and matching panel as well as detailed client profiles. The module includes a well-thought-out lead distribution system, user-friendly interfaces, sales department performance management system, client history archive and much more.


Two-factor verification 

Brokers want to protect their clients from any risks associated with their accounts as much as possible. To do this, they often want to introduce additional security in the form of two-factor authentication. It is an extra layer of security which ensures that only the client can access their account even if someone else got ahold of their password. 


Stay tuned for more news, and don't miss the most interesting releases!


Expand your business worldwide with UpTrader Pay!

Expand your business worldwide with UpTrader Pay!

For online companies, business has long stopped being about providing a local service for clients from a particular city or country. A successfully launched business cannot stay locked in one region for long, and if the owner thinks globally, they will act the same way. The main task of an international online business is to accept local payments. For example, in Indonesia, Help2Pay or Fasapay are popular payment systems, while in Namibia, only banks transfers are in use and they need banks details much more than they need payment systems. The more systems are integrated into your CRM, the more clients from different countries will be able to buy your service. 

There are some companies on the market which provide payment management systems for CRMs. All you have to do is pay for a subscription, and the payment management module will be fully integrated into your CRM. The fee, however, may be quite high. UpTrader also provides this module, and it is already integrated into our CRM along with ready-to-use payment systems. We do not charge separately for it.

We have already integrated more than 50 payment systems into our CRM, and new ones are being added all the time.


UpTrader Pay settings

The module was tailored to the demands of Forex brokers, so it has a wide range of options. So, for your clients’ convenience, you can:


1. Set a country filter.

For example, you work with clients from Indonesia, South Africa, and Germany. You have more than 50 payment systems. Not all of them work for these clients. To avoid confusion, you can only show them options available in their country. UpTrader Pay lets you change the visibility settings to only show certain payment systems for customers registered in a particular country.


2. Set a rule for new and old clients.

For example, you work with payment systems that require meeting certain criteria for clients, such as successful KYC. Therefore you can set such a rule to show new clients certain payment systems that accept new clients but charge high commissions. As well you can show another bunch of payment systems for old clients with lower commicions.  


3. Visa and Mastercard.

Only show Visa and Mastercard and automatically substitute payment systems depending on the country. 


4. Set a filter by registration date.

For some companies, client registration date is important. For example, you would like to give a bonus to new clients, a commission refund or a deposit bonus when depositing through a certain payment system. You can set up this payment system to be visible only to clients with a certain registration date. 


UpTrader Payment Management Value-adds

  • No monthly fee 
  • More than 50 payment systems already integrated
  • New payment system integration in 2 weeks
  • Free integration of one payment system per month
  • Country, deposit, registration date settings
  • Fully integrated into UpTrader CRM
  • User-friendly interface


Set up your bonus program with the 4 bonus type in the Forex CRM

Set up your bonus program with the 4 bonus type in the Forex CRM

We won't say much about why bonuses are so popular. The interest in them never fades. Every new broker launches some kind of a bonus system. 

In UpTrader CRM, there are four types of ready-to-use bonuses: % on deposit, welcome bonus, % on balance, or monthly interest, and manual bonus. The settings for each of them allow you the flexibility to make them work for you.


There are 4 bonus types you can set up right away in UpTrader Forex CRM:


% on deposit

Deposit bonus is the most popular bonus type, since it is designed to encourage those who deposit the account. Everybody wins: the client does because they receive more benefits and trading opportunities, and the broker wins because they land a client who is truly ready to trade. Usually, the broker settles on the conditions and the bonus amount, for example, +50% to the deposit amount when depositing from $50 to $10,000. In the “conversion” field, the broker can specify the conditions under which the bonus funds can be converted to cash and become available for withdrawal.


Monthly interest

A monthly interest bonus has also gained popularity because it helps build loyalty and encourages clients to stay with the broker longer and to keep more money in their accounts since it becomes more profitable to do that. For example, a broker can set a required minimum account balance for a certain day of the month. If the requirement is met, a client receives a bonus on the balance. The conditions for cashing the bonus are also set in the CRM.


Welcome bonus

The main rule for this bonus is that a client can only receive it once.A welcome bonus is a popular way to generate traffic. The best way to attract a lot of cheap traffic is to offer free money. But can you turn that traffic into clients? That remains to be seen. 


Manual bonus

The superpower of a manual bonus means that you can give it just like that. If a manager wants to give out a bonus, they can do it without setting any conditions. This is a very handy sales tool which often helps in the moment.


For each bonus, you can specify description and condition fields. Create your own conditions for bonus programs using our settings!


If any questions talk to our expert in live chat or emal us [email protected]


Connect crypto gateway and automate cryptocurrency payments

Connect crypto gateway and automate cryptocurrency payments

The main disadvantage of accepting payments in cryptocurrency is the lack of familiar interface. When paying by card or through a popular EPS (electronic payment systems), no special skills are required to transfer money, all the fields are familiar, processes are automated, crediting is predictable. Cryptocurrency payment is not a mass method yet, and often such payments are made manually, which is inconvenient both for clients and for the company.


The manual way of accepting cryptocurrency payments from brokers’ clients looks something like this:

1) A broker manually creates a payment system in the CRM and specifies in the description an address to which cryptocurrency needs to be transferred.

2) Before transferring money to the broker's wallet, clients need to create a request through this payment system in the CRM.

3) To process these requests, the broker needs to manually open their crypto wallet, check which of these requests are paid and for what amount, because clients can create a request for one amount but actually transfer another one. If the amounts are incorrect, the broker needs to correct them in the requests and then mark the requests as processed or failed (if the money was not transferred).


There are two problems with such a process: manual work and difficulty identifying payments. If a broker has a lot of clients, there can easily be a situation where, say, 2 clients created a $1,000 request around the same time, and only one $1,000 payment came in. It is impossible to identify which client sent that amount, you would have to contact the client to find out.

Manual control inevitably leads to human error, and more often than not such errors amount to more than one thousand dollars. On top of that, as we know, cryptocurrency transactions cannot be undone or disputed.

UpTrader offers its clients to automate cryptocurrency payment acceptance with a crypto gateway. Crypto gateway is a civilised automated way of making cryptopayments with a user-friendly interface that eliminates human error, simplifies the finance department’s work and client transfers.


How UpTrader's crypto gateway works:

1) UpTrader’s crypto gateway has a simple API and easily integrates into any CRM.

2) A unique wallet is created for and associated with each CRM client who requests a crypto deposit. That is, only this client gets this wallet, and the wallet remains the same between different requests, so that the client does not get confused.

3) After that, our crypto gateway traces when money arrives to this wallet and sends data about incoming payments to the CRM which automatically processes requests and corrects amounts.


If cryptocurrency payments happen from time to time in your company and you anticipate an increase in them, take care of automation in advance in order not to run into problems in the future.

To get more information, mail us to: [email protected] or write us in online chat

