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Connect crypto gateway and automate cryptocurrency payments

Connect crypto gateway and automate cryptocurrency payments

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The main disadvantage of accepting payments in cryptocurrency is the lack of familiar interface. When paying by card or through a popular EPS (electronic payment systems), no special skills are required to transfer money, all the fields are familiar, processes are automated, crediting is predictable. Cryptocurrency payment is not a mass method yet, and often such payments are made manually, which is inconvenient both for clients and for the company.


The manual way of accepting cryptocurrency payments from brokers’ clients looks something like this:

1) A broker manually creates a payment system in the CRM and specifies in the description an address to which cryptocurrency needs to be transferred.

2) Before transferring money to the broker's wallet, clients need to create a request through this payment system in the CRM.

3) To process these requests, the broker needs to manually open their crypto wallet, check which of these requests are paid and for what amount, because clients can create a request for one amount but actually transfer another one. If the amounts are incorrect, the broker needs to correct them in the requests and then mark the requests as processed or failed (if the money was not transferred).


There are two problems with such a process: manual work and difficulty identifying payments. If a broker has a lot of clients, there can easily be a situation where, say, 2 clients created a $1,000 request around the same time, and only one $1,000 payment came in. It is impossible to identify which client sent that amount, you would have to contact the client to find out.

Manual control inevitably leads to human error, and more often than not such errors amount to more than one thousand dollars. On top of that, as we know, cryptocurrency transactions cannot be undone or disputed.

UpTrader offers its clients to automate cryptocurrency payment acceptance with a crypto gateway. Crypto gateway is a civilised automated way of making cryptopayments with a user-friendly interface that eliminates human error, simplifies the finance department’s work and client transfers.


How UpTrader's crypto gateway works:

1) UpTrader’s crypto gateway has a simple API and easily integrates into any CRM.

2) A unique wallet is created for and associated with each CRM client who requests a crypto deposit. That is, only this client gets this wallet, and the wallet remains the same between different requests, so that the client does not get confused.

3) After that, our crypto gateway traces when money arrives to this wallet and sends data about incoming payments to the CRM which automatically processes requests and corrects amounts.


If cryptocurrency payments happen from time to time in your company and you anticipate an increase in them, take care of automation in advance in order not to run into problems in the future.

To get more information, mail us to: [email protected] or write us in online chat



Connect crypto gateway and automate cryptocurrency payments


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