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New Filters in UpTrader Forex CRM for Enhanced Client and Partner Management

New Filters in UpTrader Forex CRM for Enhanced Client and Partner Management

UpTrader, a leader in software development for forex brokers, has launched new filters in the UpTrader Forex CRM administrative module. This update significantly expands brokers' capabilities for service personalization and client base management.

Key innovations include the ability to set filters based on parameters such as the trader's country, language, partners code. Particularly important is the new functionality for affiliate programs. Thus, brokers launching affiliate programs with individual conditions for different partners can create unique terms for their clients. For example, a broker may offer increased payouts to one of the partners and configure automatic account opening with wider spreads for their traders.

Other good example of uzing new filter is individual conditions based on countries. For instance, filters allow for the automatic offering of swap-free accounts to Muslim traders, taking into account their religious beliefs and cultural features. Islamic law prohibits riba (interest or excess payments). In a financial context, this means Muslims are forbidden from receiving or paying interest. For this reason, brokers offer special swap-free accounts for Muslim traders, which do not accrue swaps (overnight commissions or interest for carrying a position to the next trading day), making trading compatible with Islamic financial principles.

With the introduced filters in the administrative panel, it is possible to automatically identify traders from Muslim countries and offer them swap-free accounts. This not only simplifies the account management process for different user groups but also helps in ensuring that services meet the requirements and beliefs of clients from various cultural and religious groups.

This update from UpTrader underscores the company's commitment to providing innovative and effective solutions for forex brokers, helping them stay at the forefront in the rapidly changing world of financial technologies.

Your UpTrader Team

UpTrader Bolsters Market Position with DXtrade Integration into Its Forex CRM System

UpTrader Bolsters Market Position with DXtrade Integration into Its Forex CRM System

UpTrader, a leading developer of brokerage software, began 2024 with the announcement of the completion of integration with DXtrade, making it the third trading platform, after MetaTrader and cTrader, to be incorporated into UpTrader's CRM system. 


Vasily Alexeev, CEO of UpTrader, stated, “At UpTrader, we aim to be as flexible as possible so that brokerages can run their business with us in their own unique way. Adding DXtrade support is a major milestone on our way to allow our clients to work with the tools that are best suited for their business model”.


Developed by Devexperts, DXtrade is a multifunctional trading platform for Forex, CFD and Crypto brokers. The DXtrade platform is distinguished by its flexible settings that allow brokers to customize both the frontend and back-office operations according to their needs. This provides brokers with the opportunity to be noticeable in the market thanks to the platform's unique interface and settings.


 In addition, DXtrade offers a range of proprietary tools aimed at improving user experience and increasing the attractiveness of the platform for new clients and retaining existing ones. These tools include embedded trading journals, performance dashboards, highly responsive charting, modern navigation, Android and iOS mobile trading apps. Compared with giants such as MetaTrader, DXtrade stands out for its innovative approach and adaptability to the needs of the modern market.

Brokers working with the DXtrade platform now have access to all the advantages of UpTrader's Forex CRM, including an intuitive interface, various bonus programs, a multi-level partnership program with different types of rewards and transparent reporting, a comprehensive sales module for sales department management, in-depth business analytics with visualized Power BI dashboards, and much more.


In the first quarter of 2024, DXtrade brokers will also gain access to the UpTrader Copy Trading Platform, further strengthening their market positions. Contact the UpTrader sales team at [email protected] to schedule a demo of the integration.

UpTrader is a reliable CRM provider with more than a decade of experience in developing solutions for Forex. The company offers cloud solutions tailored to the various needs of brokers. The flagship product is Forex CRM, and the range also includes White Labels of trading platforms, Forex and Cryptocurrency Liquidity, and a Copy Trading Platform. 

We strive to make UpTrader Forex CRM the number one on the market, integrating advanced features and providing attention to the smallest detail. Our goal is to perfect the brokerage infrastructure and provide users with the best experience”, adds Vasily Alexeev.

UpTrader goes to iFX EXPO Dubai 2024

UpTrader goes to iFX EXPO Dubai 2024

We have exciting news to share!
UpTrader is headed to
iFX EXPO Dubai on January 16-18 at the Dubai World Trade Centre, Za’abeel (Hall 6). This platform opens up plenty of opportunities for networking with esteemed industry peers, immersing ourselves in new developments, and exploring potential partnerships. 

It’s a great opportunity to access the wealth of knowledge that fintech leaders, investors, traders and all Forex and Crypto key players from across the globe will be bringing to the event. The chance to connect with these c-level experts and learn about the major developments shaping the financial industry is not to be missed! 

If you're also attending the expo and wish to meet up with us, we invite you to book a slot. Looking forward to making great connections!

Your UpTrader Team

2023 & Plans for 2024

2023 & Plans for 2024

Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Our team at UpTrader would like to take a moment to express our appreciation and gratitude to our amazing clients.

As we prepare for the new year, we want to remind you that we are committed to providing you with the best service possible to make your Forex experience smooth and efficient.

2023 has been really eventful for us, UpTrader has become the best Forex CRM provider according to an independent web-portal 

Let’s recap the key things we’ve improved for you in 2023.


User Experience

This year we’ve made our CRM even more interactive and customizable. We have improved a lot of small features like the opportunity to Establish Bonus Limits or Additional Fields in Payment Transactions to keep the history and more. 

We’ve added an extra security measure, two-factor authentication (2FA), to our Forex CRM. Although switched off by default, it can be activated by brokers based on individual client needs and is designed to safeguard traders' accounts from unauthorized access and fraud. 


Partner Program

We’ve enabled online viewing of the partner’s reward report, eliminating the need to download XLS files. All details including traded instruments, commissions, transaction types, profits, and partner commissions, are now conveniently available online.

Furthermore, the minimum duration a trading position needs to be open to be considered for affiliate commission can now be personalized for each partner, which allows for greater flexibility in establishing affiliate commission standards while promoting accuracy and openness in calculations.

We've also greatly increased the speed of partner reward calculation for Sub IB. Now, all levels are instantly calculated, allowing for timely rewards for your network.

And we have fully synchronized our Partner program with cTrader, providing you with a handy tool to persist in your worldwide expansion. 


Payment Methods

We’ve introduced a Local Payment Agent feature to our Forex CRM. This new feature allows you to independently add payment agents for cash payments from clients at your offices or other local methods. The addition of this feature substantially eases broker operations in areas where bank processing or well-known payment systems may pose challenges. The Local Payment Agent feature is provided free of charge and is accessible to all UpTrader customers.

We have added a specific Wallet Balance column for reports. Users can now more conveniently monitor and control their wallet balances through the User Export report.

We have upgraded our Wallet to include Pending Funds that are waiting for approval in the balance. This change will give users a clearer, real-time overview of their money, enabling better management of their internal transfers.

We have also added a bunch of new payment systems, and now it’s counted more than 50 popular and local systems all over the world. 


Power BI Analytics

Just recently, we’ve introduced Power BI analytics for you to be able to get all of the invaluable business insights. Power BI is a business analytics tool that aids users in turning data from multiple sources into comprehensive interactive dashboards and insightful reports.

With Power BI, you get clear analytics for your business, allowing for comparison of various business aspects, forecasting, and informed planning. It helps identify successful clients, popular trading instruments, trading volumes, preferred countries, and popular payment systems, aiding in crafting special offers and customized trading conditions.

Our team is constantly working on improving our services to meet your evolving needs and remain your all-in-one Forex CRM solution. 

In 2024, our plans are ambitious and we are determined to fulfill them.


Plans for 2024

First and foremost, we will bring you the first version of our Sales Interface by the end of January. Our sales module is designed to skyrocket your sales and assist your sales department. It offers a meticulously designed client card, tasks for the sales team, performance analytics, client distribution among managers, as well as an intricate system of tags and filters.

We'll add email and telephony services to the Sales Interface. We are confident that this addition will allow for streamlined and well-coordinated communication.

We are also planning to add WhatsApp to the Sales Interface. This move aligns with our goal of making it as easy as possible for our users to access, and make the most out of our service.


We have received multiple requests to improve our affiliate module. Therefore, we plan to introduce:

1. Variable commission issuance depending on client trade groups.

2. The ability to work with markups.

3. The ability to manage Sub-IBs with fixed payment amounts across all levels and customized depending on the number of levels


Beyond these developments, we are excited to announce our intention to develop a mobile application for our CRM and cryptocurrency gateway that stays highly demanded among forex brokers. 

We are honored to serve you and grateful for your loyalty. We remain committed to enhancing your experience, simplifying operations, and working on your suggestions and ideas. Your business's growth remains our top priority. Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season and a prosperous new year!


Your UpTrader Team

UpTrader Introduces Power BI Analytics for Enhanced Brokerage Business Insights

UpTrader Introduces Power BI Analytics for Enhanced Brokerage Business Insights

If you are a CEO, owner, or key executive of a brokerage company, you undoubtedly aim for a precise and visually clear understanding of how successfully your business operates in various regions. In this case, integrating Power BI into your company becomes not just desirable, but crucial.


What can Power BI do for Forex Brokers?

At UpTrader, we offer our clients Power BI analytics, providing a clear comparative view of any aspect of your business. Simply apply filters by regions to see which one brings in the most revenue. You will be able to see which clients trade the most successfully - perhaps they are your future managers. Determine which trading instruments and in which countries are preferred, to create special offers and trading conditions for traders from these regions. Analyze trading volumes, the popularity of payment systems, and offer special conditions for deposits and withdrawals. Compile comparative dashboards to make data-based forecasts and plan your business development.

Analytics is a powerful tool. And access to analytics with just a few clicks gives you a competitive advantage in quickly analyzing situations and making informed decisions.

At UpTrader, analytics is fully integrated with MetaTrader and all UpTrader Forex CRM modules. Want to implement this in your company? Contact your manager for details [email protected]


Power BI is a business analytics tool from Microsoft that allows users to transform data from various sources into interactive dashboards and analytical reports. It is used for aggregating, analyzing, visualizing, and sharing data. Power BI provides a deep understanding of key business indicators and data, helping to make informed decisions based on data.


Key features of Power BI include:

Data Integration: Connecting to a wide range of data sources, including cloud databases, local data, Excel, and others.
Data Modeling and Analysis: Creating custom data models and using analytical functions to extract valuable business insights.
Data Visualization: Transforming data into clear, easily interpretable visualizations such as charts, diagrams, and maps.
Collaboration and Data Sharing: Sharing your reports and dashboards with others, facilitating teamwork and decision-making.
Availability and Mobility: Power BI offers cloud solutions and mobile applications, allowing users to access their data and analytics anytime and anywhere.

This tool is widely used in various industries to optimize processes, improve performance, and identify new opportunities for business.
