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The Future of Payment Solutions for Businesses Worldwide

The Future of Payment Solutions for Businesses Worldwide

NFG stands as a versatile payment processing powerhouse, adept at handling both fiat and cryptocurrency transactions with finesse. While NFG Fiat specializes in facilitating fiat transactions, NFG Crypto caters to the burgeoning realm of cryptocurrency transactions.

Together, they ensure businesses have access to versatile financial solutions tailored to their needs.


Pioneering Fiat Settlement - NFG Fiat Revolutionising the Standard

The unique NFG Fiat feature, that end-users of over 169 countries pay in fiat currency with diverse payment options (credit card, SEPA, and many more), while companies receive crypto funds instantly at their designated wallet address, grants businesses full control over their finances in a decentralized manner. This not only streamlines financial operations but also mitigates risks associated with traditional fiat payment processing methods. NFG Fiat prides itself on its zero-chargeback and rolling reserve guarantee, offering businesses unparalleled peace of mind when it comes to financial security.  

With a commitment to simplicity, NFG Fiat provides a smooth same day integration for Uptrader clients without any setup or fixed monthly fees. Support and troubleshooting are made hassle-free with access to a dedicated Telegram group with NFG representatives, available 24/7.


Better than the Rest - NFG Crypto's Trusted System

In the competitive arena of cryptocurrency payment processing, businesses trust NFG Crypto because it offers an audited technology with no hidden fees or harmful automated swap increases, ensuring a fair, 100% transparent and predictable experience for all users. Moreover, what truly sets NFG Crypto apart, is its consistent track record of providing lower fees than its competitors.

By waiving a setup fee, eschewing time-consuming KYC/KYB processes, and offering a dedicated Telegram Group manned by Devs, NFG Crypto facilitates easy integration and smooth ongoing support. Additionally, businesses can enjoy the flexibility of fast and simple swaps at the lowest rates and process payouts whether individual, mass, or through API, across a wide range of cryptocurrencies and networks.


UpTrader Highlights NFG's Excellence

NFG has been UpTrader’s partner for years, and their constant evolution is why we deeply value our relationship. Their tech solutions are top-notch, and their adaptability is commendable, says Vasily Alexeev, CEO of UpTrader

UpTrader is happy to provide our clients with the support offered by NFG. NFG stands out as a comprehensive solution for brokers aiming to integrate fiat and cryptocurrency payments seamlessly into their operations. 


Exciting News for Brokers: Introducing the New Registration Form Widget

Exciting News for Brokers: Introducing the New Registration Form Widget

We're thrilled to announce a major upgrade aimed at enhancing convenience for both brokers and clients alike. UpTrader has now introduced a new registration form widget, a tool designed to seamlessly integrate with third-party sites.

This feature ensures that the client experience is smooth and uninterrupted, directly transferring users from any site or landing page to our sophisticated CRM system.

Previously, brokers had to either develop their own form through an API or redirect clients to our main registration form. With the launch of this new widget, available directly from the admin panel, we're eliminating these hurdles, allowing for effortless integration right into your site as a simple frame.

Haven't experienced the full potential of UpTrader CRM yet? This latest development is just one of the many ways we're committed to improving your brokerage operations. Don't miss out on this opportunity to streamline your process - schedule a demo today by contacting our sales team at [email protected].

UpTrader Enhances Marketing Analytics with UTM Tag Integration

UpTrader Enhances Marketing Analytics with UTM Tag Integration

PartnershipPixel now records UTM_ parameters in cookies, allowing UTM Middleware to capture and save this crucial data. With this enhancement, brokers can easily insert the script into their websites, letting the script remember visitors' UTM codes upon arrival. 

These tags are then sent to us and stored in the CRM, where they can be viewed within the client’s profile. This means you can now accurately track which of your campaigns or promotions are driving traffic and registrations, right down to understanding their conversion effectiveness.

For those keen on refining their marketing strategies and gaining insights into their campaign performance, the script is readily available in the admin module of UpTrader. 

If you haven't explored UpTrader CRM yet, now is the perfect opportunity to discover how our solutions can elevate your brokerage business. Schedule a demo with us today by reaching out to [email protected].


UpTrader is to support Prop Trading

UpTrader is to support Prop Trading

We are pleased to announce that UpTrader is launching support for Prop Trading within our Forex CRM ecosystem. All UpTrader clients from the basic Self-served to Enterprise plan will get access to Prop Trading mode.


Vasily Alexeev, UpTrader CEO:

In 2022, when prop firms began to emerge, they didn't seem to me like they would have a long lifespan. However, now in 2024, we can all see that prop trading is thriving. At UpTrader, we are not only creating a fundamental infrastructure for brokers that provides everything required to build a strong business, but we also respond to highly demanded services if we see sustained demand from the market and a promising future perspective. I'm pleased to announce that we have finally launched a Prop Firm Module for our UpTrader CRM.

We invite brokers to take advantage of the extensive capabilities of UpTrader Forex CRM including Prop Trading Accounts and take your business to the next level.


Prop trading overview

Prop trading, short for proprietary trading, is when a firm, often referred to as a prop firm, engages in trading financial instruments with its own money rather than using clients' funds. This is distinctly different from traditional retail or client-driven trading, as the primary aim here is for the firm to earn direct profits from its trading activities. Proprietary trading firms hire traders, who act more as subcontractors rather than traditional employees, to execute trades. The profits generated from these activities are typically shared between the traders and the firm, with traders often taking a significant portion of the profits due to their role in generating them.

One of the key distinctions between proprietary trading and retail trading is the source of capital. In retail trading, individuals trade with their own money and are subject to their own risk tolerance and strategies, whereas in prop trading, the capital is provided by the firm. Prop traders are required to follow the firm's trading strategies and risk management protocols.



As often happens in financial markets, new technologies are adopted, then they are restricted and the market adapts to the changes.

Some trading platforms support proprietary trading companies, while others do not. We are glad to inform you that UpTrader's ecosystem is fully integrated not only with MetaTrader, but also with two of the most popular platforms for prop trading: cTrader and dxTrade. This integration makes the process of either establishing a new prop firm or integrating an existing one into our ecosystem extremely easy.


About UpTrader

UpTrader is a leading CRM provider, boasting over a decade of expertise in crafting innovative solutions specifically for the Forex market. Our specialty lies in cloud-based solutions designed to cater to the varied needs of brokers, with our standout offering being the Forex CRM. Our extensive array of services further encompasses White Labels of trading platforms, as well as Forex and Cryptocurrency Liquidity, and a Copy Trading Platform. With our unwavering commitment to excellence and meticulous attention to detail, we aim to reinforce our standing as the premier CRM solution on the market.

New Tasks Feature for Streamlined Sales and Management

New Tasks Feature for Streamlined Sales and Management

In the latest update to the UpTrader CRM Sales Interface, a critical and highly functional addition has been made to enhance the productivity and efficiency of sales and management teams - the Tasks feature. This new feature has been carefully designed to streamline task management, enabling you to create, assign, monitor, and close tasks directly within the CRM interface, ensuring that no client interaction or follow-up is overlooked.

The Tasks feature is accessible via the Sales Interface's left panel, where you can click on the Tasks button to view and manage your tasks. This section is meticulously organized with tabs for My tasks, All tasks, Reassign (which gives you the ability to reassign tasks) Open, and Closed tasks, ensuring that you can quickly filter and access tasks based on their completion status. Each task entry provides comprehensive information including the client's name, task title, assignee, the task creator, due date, and the date of creation, thereby keeping all pertinent details at your fingertips.



Task creation is super easy, just go to the Contacts page, select a client, and create a new task by specifying key details such as the task type (e.g., Call, Mail, Monitoring), title, description, assignee, communication platform (for Mail tasks), and deadlines. This process not only simplifies task assignment but also ensures that each task is well-documented and trackable.

Editing tasks is just as simple, you are able to modify any aspect of a task, from its title and description to its assignee and deadlines, ensuring that tasks remain up-to-date with any changes in priorities or schedules. Furthermore, the option to add comments during task creation and editing facilitates better communication and clarity among team members.

The closing of tasks is a straightforward process. Upon completion, you can add final comments and close the task, which then moves to the Closed tasks tab. This not only helps in keeping the open tasks list manageable but also provides a sense of accomplishment and progress tracking for teams.

In essence, the Tasks feature is a testament to UpTrader CRM's commitment to providing comprehensive and user-friendly solutions that empower brokerage firms and their teams to manage their workflows more effectively. With the introduction of this feature, managing client interactions, follow-ups, and internal tasks becomes a seamlessly integrated part of the CRM ecosystem, enhancing overall productivity and ensuring that no client needs or tasks fall through the cracks.

If you're looking to enhance your brokerage firm's operational efficiency and ensure meticulous management of client interactions, it's time to explore the Tasks feature within the UpTrader CRM Sales Interface. For a demo or more information, reach out to us at [email protected].

Sales Interface: Unleash the Power of Analytics to Drive Sales

Sales Interface: Unleash the Power of Analytics to Drive Sales

The new Analytics section of the UpTrader CRM Sales Interface revolutionizes how brokerage firms can delve into their business and client data with ease and precision. This powerful tool is divided into two main tabs: Clients and Managers, each designed to provide comprehensive insights tailored to different aspects of your business operations.


Clients Tab

The Clients tab presents a user-friendly table displaying critical information about your client base, such as their name, last seen date, total deposits (In), total withdrawals (Out), the net balance (In/Out), current balance, and the IB Partner associated with each client, alongside their status and any recent comments. 

Moreover, this section includes two intuitive charts. The New clients chart graphically represents the influx of new clients over time, while the In/Out chart offers a clear visual and numeric breakdown of deposit and withdrawal activities, helping you to immediately grasp trends in client transactions.


Managers Tab

Similarly, the Managers tab focuses on the performance and activities of your brokerage firm's managers. Here, each manager is listed with detailed metrics, including their ID, name, the total deposits and withdrawals handled, the net client transaction balance, the number of clients managed, and the count of open, closed, and total tasks assigned. An added feature aggregates the sum of all values in each column at the top, offering a quick glance at overarching trends and performance metrics.

This tab also allows for sorting of data, enabling managers to efficiently organize and prioritize their focus based on various performance indicators.


A Tool for Data-Driven Decisions

By providing an in-depth yet straightforward overview of both clients and business operations, the Analytics section stands out as a key feature for brokers aiming to make informed, data-driven decisions. Its user-centric design ensures that whether you are analyzing client activity or managing team performance, you have all the necessary tools at your disposal for enhancing efficiency and bolstering your firm's success.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your brokerage with these insights? Explore the Analytics section now, reach out to our team at [email protected] for a demo. 

Check out our video about this feature.

